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ArgonSDK Field Guide


Purpose of this guide

  1. Provide information on modding Chivalry 2 using ArgonSDK in a compressed way.
  2. Aggregate knowledge collected by modding Community

Topics covered by this guide

  • General modding concepts for Chivalry 2
  • Tutorials: creating cosmetic and gameplay Mods
  • (WIP) Useful [[ Tools]] and [[online Resources]]
  • (WIP) Breakdown of mods released by Chivalry 2 Unchained as [[Case Studies]]
  • Overview and details on interaction with systems created by TB
    • Spawn system
    • Weapons
    • Game modes and Objectives
    • and much more

Release Format

This guide is currently available in two versons

1. Vault (FieldGuide repository itself)



This guide is created and maintained using Obsidian note-taking app. I suggest giving it a try, as it provides better search and interaction capabilities than the web version. See (LOCAL) Obsidian vs. Web Version

2. Exported Web Version


Documentation for C++ classes

Generated doxygen-style documentation of TB’s C++ classes and selected Blueprints is available here. It provides information such as:
- Class function names and arguments
- Class properties and their access levels
- Blueprint node preview (where applicable)


The documentation is only available as an Obsidian vault at this point.



BlueprintUE embeds

Various pages of this tutorial utilize a self-hosted version of BlueprintUE
- You can copy-paste the embedded snippets directly into Unreal Engine’s Blueprint editor
- You can create and share your own snippets with other users


If you are unable to see the embed above this note, please leave a message on Discord