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Server Moderation

This guide explains how to moderate your Chivalry 2 Unchained server by managing players through the RCON console.

Kicking and Banning Players

To kick or ban a player from your server, follow these steps:

  1. In the server's RCON console, run the listplayers command

    • This copies all player information to your clipboard
  2. Open a text editor (like Notepad), right-click, and select "Paste"

    • This will show a list of all players with their IDs
  3. Find the ID of the player you want to moderate

    • The ID appears to the right of their username in ALL CAPS
  4. In the RCON console, use one of these commands:

    • To kick: KickById PLAYER_ID
    • To ban: BanById PLAYER_ID
  5. Press Enter to execute the command


If you see a player named "ToxicPlayer" causing problems:

  1. Run listplayers in RCON
  2. Paste the results in Notepad
  3. Find a line like: ToxicPlayer (ABCD1234)
  4. To kick them, type in RCON: KickById ABCD1234
  5. To ban them, type in RCON: BanById ABCD1234

Additional Commands

  • UnbanById PLAYER_ID - Removes a player from the ban list
  • listbans - Shows all currently banned players


Bans are stored locally on your server. If you reset your server configuration, you may lose your ban list.